The mobility project "Development of skills and competencies through a dual training" was conducted in the period 03/04 to 03/27/2010 and represents a new stage in long-term partnership between the beneficiary institution - Technical College "Costin D. Nenitescu" Pitesti , the Berufskolleg Uerdingen VET School and the Currenta (Bayer), company, the city of Krefeld , Germany .
The main objectives of the mobility project were:
· developing the skills of using instruments, apparatus and equipment in chemistry laboratories and technological facilities in the chemical industry;
· improving the language skills of the participants;
· developing the ability to work in a team in an intercultural environment;
· developing the partnership between the two institutions;
The target group consisted of 12 students at the Technical College "Costin D. Nenitescu" Pitesti, with the following structure: seven students in Natural resources and environmental profile - Class X, three students specializing in Ecology and environmental control technician - Level 3 qualification (class XI, and class XII), a student assistant lab technician specialization - class XI and a student specialized in industrial chemistry technician class XIII, progressive route.
The training program of the participants was developed for each profile / field and skill level, depending on the structure group of participants who were admitted to the competition for selection, namely:
- profile of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Class X - applied discipline Tools and laboratory techniques;
- RNPM profile, qualification Ecology and environmental control technician - niv.3 - the module focuses on Basic laboratory operations;
- RNPM profile, laboratory technician qualification - module applied Methods of separation and purification;
- field of Industrial Chemistry - Industrial Chemistry Technician, applied Modules Transfer operations and Instrumental analysis.
The placement was conducted both in theVET School and in the company. Participants were divided into two Romanian groups of six students who made a week in laboratory practice of the Uerdingen Berufskolleg and a week in the company Bayer Current section. Each group of participants in the work was supported by three German practitioners, the German tutor and the accompanying teacher. Working used methods were mixed-individual and group training. Students have formed working subgroups formed by two Romanian students and one German student. Subgroups within each student practical work carried out individually but each subgroup components interacted effectively to find the best methods of work and particularly for interpreting the results. Simultaneously with the operational objective of acquiring professional skills, to pursue social objectives of capacity building of teamwork, self confidence, responsibility of their actions, etc.
The training program is fully recovered in the curricular area "Technologies" and included different workloads depending on the profile and skill level of the participant:
The training program of the participants was developed for each profile / field and skill level, depending on the structure group of participants who were admitted to the competition for selection, namely:
- profile of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Class X - applied discipline Tools and laboratory techniques;
- RNPM profile, qualification Ecology and environmental control technician - niv.3 - the module focuses on Basic laboratory operations;
- RNPM profile, laboratory technician qualification - module applied Methods of separation and purification;
- field of Industrial Chemistry - Industrial Chemistry Technician, applied Modules Transfer operations and Instrumental analysis.
The placement was conducted both in the
The training program is fully recovered in the curricular area "Technologies" and included different workloads depending on the profile and skill level of the participant:
Ø profile Natural Resources and Ø Environmental Protection - X class, training program covered the following practical activities: implementation of measures for health and safety in chemical laboratories (safe use of equipment, devices, laboratory equipment and installations, application of the main measures health and safety required to be applied in the chemical laboratory and first aid in case of accidents), identifying and using necessary utensils to measure temperature, mass, volume, density determination and preparation of solutions, determining the solubility of a substance at different temperatures, curve solubility; determining the concentration of a solution;
Ø RNPM profile, qualificationØ technician Ecology and environmental control - niv.3 (Classes XI and XII of the school, direct route) training program covered the following practical activities: the use of laboratory instruments and facilities necessary to perform the work of the separation methods: distillation, extraction, absorption, recrystallization and sublimation, identifying and using appropriate, laboratory instruments to determination of density and viscosity, devices, laboratory equipment and facilities necessary, determine the melting temperature and boiling point determination of a liquid substance and chart plotting V = f (t) separated substance purity assessment by comparing the boiling or melting temperature obtained with the real value;
Ø RNPM profile, laboratory technician qualification, niv.3 (Class XI to direct route) - a training program was applied to the module Methods for separating and purifying chemicals and practical work included the following: using the tools and the laboratory facilities necessary to carry out works for separating mixtures by decantation, filtration, sublimation, distillation, recrystallization, extraction, identification and use of laboratory instruments and facilities needed to determine the density of liquids, determining the concentration of a solution by graphical method, ρ = f (c);
Ø the Industrial Chemistry field-for qualification technician in industrial chemistry - niv.3 (Class XIII progressive route) - the practical work carried out by participants consisted of: identification of equipment and facilities for mass transfer operations (distillation and rectification, crystallization, extraction ) made by the participant under the guidance of tutor support and operations necessary for the operation of facilities and rectification distillation, crystallization, extraction, monitoring by the participant, assisted and guided by a tutor, and correction facilities distillation, crystallization, extraction; carried out under the guidance of tutor manoeuvres stop the distillation and rectification installations, crystallization, extraction, identification and use of equipment and tools necessary for determining the concentration of solutions by spectrophotometer method, Conductivity, pH method.
The mobility-related activities have brought participants the following benefits:
• development of professional skills by learning new general and specific technical skills in the chemical industrial field and Natural Environmental Resources, experimentation and use of modern methods and equipment working in the laboratories of the Berufskolleg Uerdingen and the Currenta company;
• developing language skills through both the language training program conducted before leaving for training, and by communicating in English during the practical and cultural activities during the placement;
• developing the ability to work as a team in an international context, shown in all the activities that
• development of professional skills by learning new general and specific technical skills in the chemical industrial field and Natural Environmental Resources, experimentation and use of modern methods and equipment working in the laboratories of the Berufskolleg Uerdingen and the Currenta company;
• developing language skills through both the language training program conducted before leaving for training, and by communicating in English during the practical and cultural activities during the placement;
• developing the ability to work as a team in an international context, shown in all the activities that
took place during the placement;
• developing personal skills through increased self-confidence. Participants gained greater confidence in their ability to communicate in a particular language and ability to work in a new environment;
• improving intercultural skills through increasing the capacity of participants to understand a different culture, substantially different from that of Romania and the concept of European citizenship;
• improving ability to use ICT, Internet and ICT integration in the initial training of participants in Computer Skills Center at Berufskolleg Uerdingen, where they experienced new applications of ICT in learning, they sought technical documentation on the Internet, read the graphic results of practical work and prepared Power Point presentations of work performed. Participants were familiar with the blog as a means of communication teaching and have learned what is intranet and how to manage a database on the intranet, where they completed individual reports Leopass;
• increased opportunities for labor market integration, due to new acquired knowledge and skills through participation in the project. The added professional and personal development value of participants is confirmed by documents received by participation, in particular the Europass Mobility certificate.
An important benefit is the integration of the project results in the training from beneficiary institution of practical activities to be conducted as an auxiliary curriculum. It will be used in the training from the beneficiary school, helping to increase the quality of initial training of the beneficiary institution.
Validation and certification of the placement was made following the evaluation of skills acquired by participants held the last day of placement and consisted of making a practical work included in the work program. Practical work was the theme chosen by lot, each participant is evaluated individually. Was monitored mode and manner of compliance of specific health and safety work .The final evaluation was conducted by a joint committee comprising representatives of the two partner institutions and was conducted under its supervision director Nica Mr. John and Mr. HJ Director Steffens. The results obtained in the evaluation were very good and allowed validation of acquired skills during the placement. Participants received the following documents: the Europass Mobility certificate issued by Technical College Costin D. Nenitescu -Pitesti and validated by Berufskolleg Uerdingen - Krefeld , language training certificate issued by the Technical College Costin D. Nenitescu Pitesti and participation certificate issued by the host institution Berufskolleg Uerdingen.
The project was completed with good results, all objectives were fully met and fully satisfied goals. The project is remarkable and the quality of partnership involving both a VET and a business school. Another strong point of the project is the diversity of the group of participants, which allowed the placement of students of different ages, different classes and various training modules.
• developing personal skills through increased self-confidence. Participants gained greater confidence in their ability to communicate in a particular language and ability to work in a new environment;
• improving intercultural skills through increasing the capacity of participants to understand a different culture, substantially different from that of Romania and the concept of European citizenship;
• improving ability to use ICT, Internet and ICT integration in the initial training of participants in Computer Skills Center at Berufskolleg Uerdingen, where they experienced new applications of ICT in learning, they sought technical documentation on the Internet, read the graphic results of practical work and prepared Power Point presentations of work performed. Participants were familiar with the blog as a means of communication teaching and have learned what is intranet and how to manage a database on the intranet, where they completed individual reports Leopass;
• increased opportunities for labor market integration, due to new acquired knowledge and skills through participation in the project. The added professional and personal development value of participants is confirmed by documents received by participation, in particular the Europass Mobility certificate.
An important benefit is the integration of the project results in the training from beneficiary institution of practical activities to be conducted as an auxiliary curriculum. It will be used in the training from the beneficiary school, helping to increase the quality of initial training of the beneficiary institution.
Validation and certification of the placement was made following the evaluation of skills acquired by participants held the last day of placement and consisted of making a practical work included in the work program. Practical work was the theme chosen by lot, each participant is evaluated individually. Was monitored mode and manner of compliance of specific health and safety work .The final evaluation was conducted by a joint committee comprising representatives of the two partner institutions and was conducted under its supervision director Nica Mr. John and Mr. HJ Director Steffens. The results obtained in the evaluation were very good and allowed validation of acquired skills during the placement. Participants received the following documents: the Europass Mobility certificate issued by Technical College Costin D. Nenitescu -
The project was completed with good results, all objectives were fully met and fully satisfied goals. The project is remarkable and the quality of partnership involving both a VET and a business school. Another strong point of the project is the diversity of the group of participants, which allowed the placement of students of different ages, different classes and various training modules.
The work program of the participants was dense and implemented training modules in the technology curricular area. Other strong point of the project is the sustainability of the project by continuing the partnership between both institutions trough the approval of the three projects submitted under the call i2010, will ensure development of the European dimension in vocational training in the beneficiary institution and the exchange of the best practices among the beneficiary institution, companies and European institution in the field of VET.